5 Reasons Why Therapy Is Beneficial

December 16, 2022

Therapy can be a transformative and life-changing experience.

It is a service that is sought out by people of all ages and stages in life, and for a variety of reasons and presenting problems—from managing everyday life stressors to coping with relationship issues, or more serious concerns, like treatment for specific mental health disorders.

Nowadays, therapy has become far less stigmatized and fortunately, far more socially accepted than it was even just a decade ago. It is often viewed as a courageous—and wise—step to take towards setting personal goals for change and progress, improving emotional well-being, and working on individual self-development. Therapy is an important source of self-care that is necessary to not only thrive, but also survive in our present-day, demanding, fast-paced, and (often) high-stress world. Below we will discuss 5 important reasons why therapy might be right for you, as well as its numerous benefits to your health, well-being, and quality of life.

1. Addressing issues before they get worse.

Problems and stressors in your life often start small or sometimes only affect a specific part of your life at first. However, issues can certainly escalate and become more severe with 

time. This is because the toll of stress in your life can deplete you physically and emotionally, making you less able to cope with problems or even just everyday life demands. This situation, in turn, causes a negative impact on other areas of your life. For instance, problems that you might be experiencing at work can easily (and likely) trickle down to your home life, causing issues with your spouse, partner, and/or children. Therapy functions as an excellent source of prevention, allowing you to target stressors in your life before they begin to affect your functioning in other areas.

2. We all need to get things off our chest.

Although therapy offers much more than just a space where you “talk about your problems,” this is still a very real and valuable benefit that you get from it. Talking about your problems and venting is very therapeutic in and of itself. Therapy tales things to the next level, as your therapist guides you in problem-solving, learning coping skills, initiating change in your life, and resolving conflicts.

3. Self-improvement through goal setting.

Therapy provides the perfect space to examine your life and make important changes that you either might be putting off or changes that you don’t realize are necessary until you begin talking with your therapist. Sure, many people make it to therapy because they need relief or help due to a specific problem, but in this process of healing, your therapist also guides and encourages you to assess your life, identify areas in need of change, and set goals so you can take action towards improving yourself and the quality of your life. Therapy can empower you to realize that you don’t have to settle for an ordinary life. You can strive for—and achieve—so much more.

4. Gaining self-awareness.

Therapists have different styles of delivering services, but one thing you can count on from going to therapy is getting to know yourself better. The dialogue and discussions between you and your therapist allow you to spot errors or negativity in your thinking or belief system that might contribute to certain unwanted emotions. You’re also able to make the important connection between your behaviors and various issues and consequences in your life. Knowing yourself also involves the important process of learning self-acceptance and forgiving yourself. All of these processes contribute to immense growth in your level of personal insight.

5. A positive and healthy outlet for your problems.

If you have a good support system of family members and friends that you can talk to and count on, you’re immensely fortunate. However, sometimes, sharing your problems with loved ones can be too much for them—and even for you, too. Family and friends often have the best intentions, but may tend to worry about you if you’re going through a tough time. Your loved ones may often give unsolicited advice or feedback that may not necessarily be helpful to you and instead reflects how they see the world. Therapy removes a lot of the stress that can come from sharing your problems with loved ones. Plus, you’re more likely to get the right guidance and support to cope with and overcome your concerns if you see a therapist who is professionally trained to help you through this process.


Therapy is certainly the new, go-to self-care method that everyone can benefit from. Whether you require short-term, brief therapy or a longer duration of treatment, therapy can provide you a renewed sense of hope, meaning, motivation, and enthusiasm to pursue your goals and confront any obstacles in your life. The healing effects of therapy will empower you with the courage and strength you need to initiate change and enjoy your best emotional health.

3 Easy Steps To A Joyful Life

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You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. Under the No Surprise Act, health care providers need to give individuals who do not have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. 

  • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment and hospital fees.
  • Make sure your healthcare provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least one business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your healthcare provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.
  • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.
  • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

You can request a good faith estimate at any time. If you believe you have not been provided a good faith estimate when you were supposed to receive one, please let us know immediately. View more details right here

No Surprise Act